All Systems Design

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A headshot photo of Fellow Amahra Spence

Amahra Spence

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A headshot photo of fellow Akhila Krishnan

Akhila Krishnan

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A photo headshot of fellow Jemma Desai

Jemma Desai

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A headshot photo of Janice Duncan

Janice Duncan

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Watershed logo


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A photo of a table with colourful lego blocks in front of a screen with MINECRAFT written on it.

Minecraft as a storytelling platform


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A photo headshot of fellow Nami Weatherby

Nami Weatherby

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A photo headshot of fellow Tabitha Jackson

Tabitha Jackson

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A photo headshot of Stephen Bailey

Stephen Bailey

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A photo headshot of fellow Scarlett Ji Yeon Kim

Scarlett Kim

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MIT Open Documentary Lab and Co-Creation Studio

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Open Documentary Lab and Co-Creation Studio

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